How to Identify a Water Leak at Home

Catch Leaks Early and Call a Plumber for Repair

Water leaks should be identified as soon as possible so a plumber can be called for leak detection and repair. The longer a leak is allowed to continue, the more money will be wasted, and the more water damage can occur. But many water leaks are out of sight behind walls or underground and can go unnoticed for a long time, increasing the water bills and the chances of water damage like wood rot and mold growth.

To protect their homes from further damage and keep water bills from skyrocketing, homeowners should try to catch any leaks as quickly as possible. This article will share a few helpful tips and signs for identifying a water leak so a plumber can be called to fix the leak quickly.

Common Signs of Water Leaks

A hidden water leak can be tricky to find, but it’s possible for homeowners who know what to look for. Here are some common signs that can alert homeowners to a leak:

  • Wet spots, water stains, or discoloration on walls, floors, or ceilings
  • Warped or damaged flooring 
  • Peeling or bubbly paint or wallpaper
  • Mold and mildew growth 
  • Musty odors in the house
  • The sound of running water when no water is in use
  • Low water pressure from fixtures

Unusually High Water Bills

bills Another clue that the home has a water leak is if the water bills are higher than normal for no apparent reason. Even a seemingly minor leak, like a dripping faucet, can waste thousands of gallons of water per year, so a spike in water costs without an increase in the household’s water usage can be a sure sign of a leak in the home.

Leaks can cause significant costs, not only on the water bill but also to repair any water damage that occurs, particularly if the leak isn’t addressed quickly. Fortunately, once the leak is located and repaired, the water bills will go down, so suspected leaks should be addressed as quickly as possible.

How to Test for Leaks Using the Water Meter

water meter Homeowners can also be alerted to a leak by running a test with their water meter. Some water meters have a leak indicator in the shape of a triangle or asterisk, making it more obvious that there’s a leak. It will spin if water is flowing through the meter. If no fixtures are in use but this dial is turning, it indicates a leak. But if it doesn’t have this feature, a leak can still be detected with these steps:

  1. Make sure no water is being used inside or outside the home. This is essential for an accurate result.
  2. Go to the home’s water meter and record the number displayed on the meter face (this number indicates the amount of water used, usually in cubic feet).
  3. Wait one to two hours, ensuring no water is used during this period, and then return to the meter.
  4. Compare the recorded number with the number currently displayed on the meter face. If the number has changed, water has continued to flow through the meter despite no water being used, which indicates a leak. 

This test, along with the signs of a leak mentioned previously, can alert homeowners to a leak in the home, but it can’t tell them the precise location of the leak. So, the next step after suspecting a leak is to call a professional to perform water leak detection services to determine the exact location of the leak and then leak repair to fix it. 

About Maxwell-White Plumbing

Maxwell-White Plumbing is a family-owned company that has been serving West Salem, WI, and the surrounding areas since 1994. They provide straightforward pricing, the latest technology, and prompt, professional service. Call them today for water leak detection and repair in West Salem, WI

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